Sawston Medical Centre, Linton Health Centre, Market Hill Surgery,
Barley Surgery, Shelford Health Centre & Royston Health Centre.

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Sawston Medical Centre, Linton Health Centre, Market Hill Surgery, Barley Surgery, Shelford Health Centre & Royston Health Centre.

How did we do, 24th February to 2nd March:

patient facing consultations
telephone consultations
online consultations

And our reception teams answered 4,574 telephone calls

Granta Medical Practices is a Primary Care Network (PCN) with locations at Sawston Medical Centre, Linton Health Centre, Barley Surgery
Market Hill Surgery & Shelford Health Centre.

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Latest News

Flu Vaccinations 2024

This year NHS England have informed us that the routine annual adult Flu programme for adults aged 18 years old upwards will start on the

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May we politely ask that if you are experiencing any respiratory (breathing) symptoms, you wear a face mask when coming into any of our surgeries – this is to help protect our staff, our patients, and our communities.

Thank you in advance for your kind attention.
The NHS is again in the throes of extreme winter pressures due to high levels of infectious diseases such as flu, Covid, RSV and norovirus. You can help stop the spread by following the three C’s:-
CLEAN Wash your hands often, using soap and warm water or use an alcohol-based hand rub.
COVER Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze. Use a tissue or your upper sleeve, not your hands.
CONTAIN If you get sick, stay home until you’re well again. Try not to spread your germs to others.
Don’t forget you can treat many minor illnesses at home with a well-stocked medicine cabinet. Colds and coughs, sore throats, and upset stomachs can all be treated by having a supply of health care essentials such as pain relief (paracetamol / ibuprofen), cough and sore throat remedies, a first aid kit, upset stomach treatment, rehydration treatment and heartburn / indigestion treatment.
And finally … it isn’t too late to get a flu jab – they are available until the end of March – just give us a ring to book your appointment!